Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Do Monkeys Really Exist? - The Shocking Truth

This may come as quite a shock, but monkeys do not exist. The truth of the monkey myth goes right to the top and is a conspiracy of the highest order, involving thousands of organisations and zoo's as well as millions of people.


You don't exist!

After Charles Darwin read the first English translation of The Vedas he began to formulate his theory of evolution.

He started with the smallest lifeforms and noticed, potentially at least, that if given time and the right environmental conditions evolution could occur leading to new and improved species more capable of surviving in the current climate and environment.

But when Darwin's theory was almost complete he ran into a brick wall: "Humans"

There was at the time nothing in the natural world that even closely resembled the human body or anatomy enough to make his theory plausable. The first draft of his groundbreaking book "Origins Of The Species" stated that Humans had descended/evolved from the Cocker Spaniel, a breed of the Canine family, as that was the best he could come up with at the time.


Adorable? Yes. Cute? Most definatly. Human like? No.

But in its current form his publisher refused to release the book because of its absurd assertions that people came from dogs.

So in a desperate attempt to have his book published Darwin invented an
animal close enough physically to Human's, this animal we now all know
as the "Monkey". Everyone knows about the missing link, and know it is
begining to emerge just how big that link really is!


Wow I'm a monkey? But wait, then why is there no proof scientific or otherwise to support the arguement?

Origins Of The Species took the Scientific world by storm, revolutionising
the way people thought about human history and it's origins. Darwins
theory of evolution became so integral to the sciences and society as a
whole that the lie was propogated, going to extreme lengths to keep it

A new animal began to appear in the zoo, people were fascinated to see
the "monkey" for the first time. But these Monkeys were in fact real people
dressed up in suits, acting in a way they imagined such a creature would
act if they were real. All monkeys in zoos to this day are people in suits!


Look familiar?

All monkeys on TV and film were originally made using actors in suits, or
on occasions where it was something an actor could not perform they
used clay animation. Today all screen monkeys are made using the finest
in computer graphics and robotics.


Early production on a computer generated monkey.

A series of films was comissioned and paid for by the scientific community
to enforce the evolution lie, the series was cynically titled
"Planet Of The Apes", when in fact there never were any apes on this or
any other panet!!


It's just so sick!

Plus all presenters and directors of nature documentaries are in on this
massive lie!!


Damn Dirty LIER!!!

Meanwhile Charles Darwin, wrought with guilt and shame at what he had done to distort history and science, wrote his second book "The Descent Of Man" in which he refuted and debunked all his theories relating to the evolution of man.

He states in the final chapter: "There never were an monkeys, we just done made the whole damned thing up to sell the book"


Poor Chuck D, just wanted to make a quick buck.

Needless to say the Scientific community does not recognise his later work stating simply that "We like his old stuff better than his new stuff".

Most modern science is based on this lie, everything from the study of biology to the production of drugs and medicine. Millions of dollars are given out each year to help find the "missing link", and millions of jobs depend on it.

The theory of evolution with it's "magical monkeys" is even taught in schools as if it has been proven as fact, which it has not!!

Next time you see a monkey in the zoo or on tv just remember, its either a guy in a suit or a robot.

Keep your eyes open people!!


So if we didnt come from monkeys, where did we come from?! Every major government on the planet knows the truth! Find out where we came from and why your government wants you to think your a monkey! Next week on Whale Egg.

Article by Rofuzz Peachenstien.

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