Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Swine Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest

The Swine Flu, if you live on planet earth and are in possession of both a working pair of eyes and ears, you will have heard of it, thanks to the extreme efforts and scare tactics of the media, the government and the World Health Organisation.

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, be super duper afraid, Morons!!

But why? Why is it that a virus that is less dangerous and kills less people than the seasonal flu, which comes around each year without anyone mentioning it, is being hyped up more than Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, well beyond it's actual impact on the health of the people of the world?

What is their motivation?!

A little critical thinking will lead you to the hilarously obvious truth: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE

It's no secret that the world's Elite wants to turn 75% of the world population into flesh eating Zombies! Now their diabolical scheme is all coming to fruition.

Burn Zombie Burn 001
Above is a realistic representation of what an actual zombie outbreak will look like, it's just uncanny.

Why do they want to turn people into zombies, you ask? It's quite simple when you look at the facts. All grain production in the world is slowing in proportion to the population increase, it's no secret that the next great crisis for mankind will be widespread food shortages, and what do the Elite hate more than not having ridiculous amounts of expensive food for themselves? NOTHING!

APTOPIX Obama 2008



Why oh why is there a bazzillion results when searching "Obama eating" on google images?!

It's also no secret that the main delicacy enjoyed by the rich and powerful, even more than caviar stuffed lobster boiled in champaigne is corn based savory snacks such as Cheezles, Rancheros and in particular Cheetos!


Just a couple of examples of the kind of sick shit these rich bastards get up to with their much coveted corn snacks. It's just sickening.

Corn crops are failing, the population is rising, do the math!

Well looky here, not great reading for those with a taste for corn based savory snacks!

So we know they want to kill us, how are they going to do it? Well it's quite simple really. They are using the AIDZ virus (for those of you living under a rock for the past 40 years AIDZ stands for Alive Infection Deadly Zombification). But as we all know the AIDZ virus can not travel by air, it must be aquired via blood, saliva or injection. So how do you make it so that you can inject 75% of the world with a deadly virus?

Simple, all you have to do is manufacture a highly contagous, natural looking flu variant, then use the media and World Health Organisation to convince everyone it will kill them and their children. We know this because it has been proven that Swine Flu strain contains traces of the Human, Bird and Swine Flu. Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the only way to create such a virus is by mating a human with a pig, while a parrot watches on. This can only occure in laboratory conditions: FACT!

So you've created a phony pandemic, you've terrorised the public, now you simply need to create a vaccine (AIDZ virus) that will "immunise" you against the so called "Swine Flu". When in fact the only thing it will immunise you against is not turning into a brain hungry member of the walking dead.

For people who don't know how to wash their hands, yes all four of them.

And if all that isn't enough evidence for you, try asking yourself this simple question: Why is it that the German Government and Army have ordered, and will be taking, a different type of "vaccine" to that of the general public? A vaccine that does not contain many of the chemicals and elements of the one for the general population? Simple, they will need the army to control the ravaging zombie hordes and the Government will be needed to enjoy all those delicious corn snacks!

An actual photo of the two (count 'em) types of Swine Flu vaccine, the blue one is safe for the Government and Army, the green one is so packed full of AIDZ I'm getting peckish for brain just looking at it!

And finally below you will find the last few entries of a diary written by Manuel Sanchez, a resercher at the Mexico Institute of Pharmacuticals who worked on the Swine Flu Vaccine. Notice how the final entry is dated the day before the first case of Swine Flu was reported, it's quite shocking:

March 5th 2009
At night, we played poker with. Scott the guard, Alias and Steve the research. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating.
What a scumbag.

March 6th 2009
Today, a high ranking researcher asked me to take care of a new
monster. It looks like a gorilla withoutany skin. They told me to feed them live food. When I threw in a pig, they were playing with
it... tearing off the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before
they actually ate it.

March 7th 2009
Around 5 o'clock this morning, Scott came in and woke me up
suddenly. He was wearing a protective suit that looks like
a space suit. He told me to put one on as well. I heard there was an accident in the basement lab. It's no wonder, those researchers
never rest, even at night.

March 8th 2009
I've been wearing this annoying space suit since yesterday, my
skin grows musty and feels very itchy. By way of revenge, I didn't feed
those dogs today.Now I feel better.

March 9th 2009
I went to the medical room because my back is all swollen
and feels itchy. They put a big bandage on my
back and the doctor told me I did not need to wear the space
suit any more. I guess I can sleep well tonight.

March 10th 2009
When I woke up this morning, I found another blister on my foot.
It was annoying and I ended up dragging my foot as I went to
the dog's pen. They have been quiet since morning, which is
unusual. I found that some of them had escaped.
I'll be in real trouble if the higher-ups find out.

March 11th 2009
Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to go see Nancy.
It's my first day off in a long time but I was stopped by the
guard on the way out. They say the company has ordered
that no one leave the grounds. I can't even make a phone call.
What kind of joke is this?!

March 12th 2009
I heard a researcher who tried to escape from this mansion was
shot last night. My entire body feels burning and
itchy at night. When I was scratching the
swelling on my arms, a lump of rotten flesh dropped off.
What the hell is happening to me?

March 13, 2009
Fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggy food.
Itchy Itchy Scott came.
Ugly face so killed him.


This diary was held back from the public for 6 months by Prof. Eugene Nix, the head of Baxter, the company masterminding the entire plot!

So when your turn comes to take your vaccine do what you can to turn it down, unless you live in Massachusetts where they are passing the "Health Emergency" bill which states you must take your vaccination or face 30 days in prison and a $1000 fine for each day you refuse to take it, it's true, look it up!

It's happening people! Grab whatever weapons you can, you could be decapitating your neighbors in the next few weeks!

ps. lawnmowers work good against the zombie menace!

Also were pretty sure this guy's got something to do with it all as well. He's clearly thinking about exterminating the population, just look at that evil smile!!

Blog by Rofuzz Peachenstien, with help from Falex Peachly.

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