Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Shocking Truth About Pigeons

The common pigeon.

An ordinary pigeon?

We see them in town every day, we even feed them, but just how common are they? Did you know that there is no record what so ever of pigeons existing before world war 1?


Why is that you ask? Its simple, messages needed to be delivered across the battlefield without the enemy noticing.
So the americans invented the pigeon: a mechanical device made to look like a bird, pigeons were controled remotely from submarines, using this method allowed messages to be exchanged between outpost without suspicion. Then why are pigeons all over our cities now? The government need a way to watch us without people being aware of it and so they created the Pigeon:MK.2.

The final stages of a Pigeon MK.2

This model has infared cameras as eyes and can even take DNA samples from the bread that they are fed. This is the reason that pigeons are only ever stationed among large concentrations of people such as in towns and cities. P-MK2s are controled by a network of AIs and all the data they collect is fed directly to a secret government computer known only as The Core.

So what exactly is the core? All the data that the government have ever collected on the human race is stored here.

We've never actualy seen it but we think the core would look like something out of Tron.

If the core is activated it will beam all the information stored in it bazilions of miles across the universe to a tranciever becon located in a differant galaxy...

So why are they preparing to send information of the human race to another galaxy? And just what is this tranciever becon? Find out the shocking conclusions to this and Rofuzz's previous blog in Whale Egg's most mind blowing truth yet!

Pigeon Shootings

How many animals do you know that can live with a spike going through their brain?

And if your still not convinced ask yourself this simple question: why is it that Reuters, the news agency so famous for its claimed use of the pigeon for sending and receiving messages has excluded all references to the Bilderburg Group? When this elite group is well known to exist!!

Coming soon. Whale Egg: The Ultimate Truth. You will literaly be blown away!


Article by Falex.

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